Whether you’re looking to go solar for your home residence, commercial office, or industrial building, you can easily accomplish a new energy solution that will save you time and money every single day.
At Preman Roofing, we’re intent on giving you the best peace of mind possible along with your solar roof installation in San Diego. We know what solar roofing solutions are available to you, and we want you to feel comfortable about choosing a new solar roofing system. One thing we can do to accomplish this is to help you understand exactly how solar roofing works, and why it’s a great choice for any building.
Interested in learning more about undergoing a solar installation in San Diego? This handy guide will tell you not only how the roofing system works, but how we go about our professional process of finding, matching, and installing the best roofing solution for you. Read on to see why Preman Roofing is the best choice for your solar needs!
Why We Go Solar
You’re probably thinking to yourself, “A lot of energy companies have been going solar lately. Why is that?” The answer to your question is simple: We are inspired by our state’s Go Solar California campaign, which promotes a growing use of renewable energy throughout the region and beyond. This campaign is hosted by the California Energy Commission, as well as the California Public Utilities Commission to help large companies take action. The State of California offers incentives to larger companies who make an effort to provide solar energy as part of their services.
Our Consultation and Installation Process
The first step to installing solar roofing is to assess and evaluate your roof. Whether you want to install solar roofing at home, or you’re looking for a large-scale project that will provide solar to your whole company, you can rely on the professionals at Preman Roofing. We train our staff members to understand the exact needs of your roof.
After an assessment is made, we will begin to draft a personalized plan, which details the solutions that work best for you. We’ll send our technicians out to measure and install the solar panels exactly the way you want them. Our solar panels are made to match perfectly with the existing structure of your roof, so you don’t have to worry about ruining the foundational integrity of your home. Plus, this keeps costs low because you don’t need to replace any parts of your roof.
How Solar Panels Function
You understand that solar panels give you a form of renewable energy, but you may not understand exactly how the panels harness that energy and put it to good use. Our professionals are here to explain exactly how solar panels work, and why solar roofing is the best kind of renewable energy solution for your needs!
The first step to a functional solar panel is the ability to harness the sunlight. Solar panels take the direct current of the sun, and transform it into the alternate current that you use to turn on the electricity in your home.
Secondly, this solar energy will be converted through a micro-inverter system to ensure that our solar panels function as highly as possible. We make sure that your solar panels are adjusted to take in as much energy as your roof can handle, and we also can keep your energy stored once it’s converted. This means that the longer your panels soak up the sun, the more prolonged energy you’ll have for days and weeks on end!
The last step to supporting a functioning solar panel is to use the energy efficiently. The solar panels know how to store the energy you aren’t currently using, so that it’s saved up for later when you do need it. With solar energy, nothing goes to waste, everything is reused, and the sun’s rays are renewable. A perfect example of the many benefits of living in sunny California!
Solar Roof Installation in San Diego
At Preman Roofing, we have some of the most highly-trained solar contractors in the industry. We’ve installed over 20,000 roofs and solar systems during our 18 years of business, and we have seen it all. Large or small, private or industrial – we’ve got you covered. For superior solar service or if you are ready for a solar roof installation in San Diego, give us a call at (619) 458-3131 to schedule a consultation. You can also contact us online to learn more about our roofing and solar opportunities. We look forward to helping you!